
Who is Running for President 2024?

The answer to that question is not what you think it is, and Biden is only (maybe) half the answer.


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Pogo once said:
“We have met the enemy, and he is us.”

Indeed, truer words have never been spoken since, especially when it comes to politics in America.

The media would have the country believe there are two political parties and two candidates. That’s a lie.

  • There is one political party and one quasi-religious cult.
  • There is one candidate (Biden) and one figurehead, a patsy backed by a tribunal of ultra-religious, ultra-wealthy fascists.

As I write this, it should be said that I have been a Republican most of my entire life, but these past 3 decades I have been an Independent.

Democrats have, as of today at least, current President Joe Biden as their candidate. This could change any day now after the discovery that Joe has occasional, unmitigated disasters (“bad days”) as witnessed during what was laughingly labelled a debate. The reasons for Biden’s “bad day” remain a secret from the public. So much for transparency.



JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

I write non-fiction stories about My Life, My Journey with Prostate Cancer and Spirituality. My location: a mountain top in the Blue Ridge Mts.