JD's Stories From the Mountain ~
JD's Stories From the Mountain ~
JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

My Cancer Journey

6 stories

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

Human & Sometimes Humorous Stories From the Present & Past

141 stories

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

Politics and Government

106 stories

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

Spirituality - Thoughts On Life, Death & our Search for Love

24 stories

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

Technology in Life

5 stories

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

My Photographs & Stories

3 stories

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

Sometimes I Attempt Poetry

6 stories

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

Small Business

7 stories

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

Mental Health & Addiction

14 stories

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

Friend of Medium

I write non-fiction stories about My Life, My Journey with Prostate Cancer and Spirituality. My location: a mountain top in the Blue Ridge Mts.