I've seen Vance debate. He can't Never had seen Waltz, until this. I agree. Waltz spent the evening trying to make friends with Vance. Very Weird. I never liked the choice of Waltz as VP and still don't. He may cost the election. Likeable? Yes. Knowledgeable? Not so much (except for MN politics). He is a terrible debater. My first choice was the Gov. of PA Shapiro. He is a much more polished leader, debater and spokesman. Too late now. I could debate Vance and rip him apart. I kept waiting for Vance. Instead he looked like a deer in headlights the entire night.

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~
JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

Written by JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

I write non-fiction stories about My Life, My Journey with Prostate Cancer and Spirituality. My location: a mountain top in the Blue Ridge Mts.

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