
Is it Smart Spending Every Last Penny Treating Your Cancer?

Why I’m saying “No” to medical debt. I’ve lived a great life. My kids have great lives to still live.

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~
4 min readJun 26, 2024


You most likely are aware of the increasingly astronomical costs associated with fighting any cancer. I detailed in another article (“Cosmic Debris” ~ some costs facing those with prostate cancer. The costs for these promising new drugs and new protocols to treat prostate cancer are unaffordable.

“Sky-High Costs of Cancer” by Author using DALL-E AI

Thus I have to ask: for whom exactly are these drugs and protocols labelled “promising”? What is the promise? This is the carrot on a stick to lead a cancer patient to hope. Promises that can and will never be realized by 99% of those with prostate cancer are false promises, raising the hopes for those who can’t afford to pay for hope.

After a biopsy and MRI determined I was Stage 4, my urologist offered these choices: surgical castration, medical castration (Lupron), radiation, and chemo.

The idea behind castration is to halt the body’s production of testosterone. The science behind this says cancer cells thrive on testosterone, and by halting the production of testosterone, the cancer can be slowed. Important to note is this does not…



JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

I write non-fiction stories about My Life, My Journey with Prostate Cancer and Spirituality. My location: a mountain top in the Blue Ridge Mts.