I’m On a Road to Nowhere…
A Story of Old Arizona Highways
Driving through Arizona, you should be aware that once outside a city or town, most all roads eventually become fairly rough, noisy, and a seemingly endless progression of 2-lanes (occasionally 1 lane) to … somewhere. Many become “A Road to Nowhere”.
‘We’re on a ride to nowhere
Come on inside
Takin’ that ride to nowhere
We’ll take that ride’ (David Byrne & The Talking Heads)
Sometimes you’re gonna find, the pavement just stops. Really. No warning. Just as often there will be a sign posted there that says “End of road” or “End of Pavement”. And of course, when this has happened, it always leaves me wondering why they didn’t post the damn sign back at the turnoff. You see, I am an adventurous type. Roads to nowhere always intrigue me.
But often where these roads go remain an unknown. Especially as I age and am not on a motorcycle. Today for example, it’s like 107 right now, humid, and you can see nothing indicating life down this dirt or semi-paved and cracked road. Am I (or are you?) that ready to start down this path into the desert? No? I thought so.
And every once in a while there’ll be dusty, washboard, dirt roads (trails) like above through the desert that stretch as…