
A Spiritual Epiphany

Spirituality has become quite the wonderful and amazing learning experience for me.


To see a world in a grain of sand
and heaven in a wild flower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hand
and eternity in an hour …
William Blake

“Spirituality” Photo by petr sidorov on Unsplash

My girlfriend goes to bed early which left me sitting alone two nights ago. I rarely watch television at night. I’m sick of the news and not interested in much else. So I usually read.

But this night, I was perusing movies currently available that might be interesting, particularly something intelligent. “Good luck with that,” I thought.

Then I came across a science-based study that looked like it was diving into a discussion of energy, dark matter and atomic matter. Intrigued, I began to watch it. I will finish it hopefully tonight. The title is “Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds”. I will most likely watch it all again to make sure I take it all in.

One comment at the start of this movie was something I had never heard, an interesting comment about there being more mass than originally believed by science.

Science has broken down how much of each type of mass. Here’s the interesting part…



JD's Stories From the Mountain ~

I write non-fiction stories about My Life, My Journey with Prostate Cancer and Spirituality. My location: a mountain top in the Blue Ridge Mts.